Craig Sherman

Craig Sherman is a Network Operations Coordinator / Transmission Coordinator with CBS Sports. Prior to joining CBS Sports, Craig Produced live shots for CBS News Newspath in the CBS Broadcast Center in Manhattan. Before CBS, Craig worked as a Remote Coordinator and Acquisitions Operator with Fox News Channel, and a Video Cutter/Replay Operator for Major League Baseball.

Originally from Syracuse, New York, Craig and his wife Marla call the Upper West Side of Manhattan home with their dog, Benny. Craig has two sons. Josh is 27 and Jake, 25.

Craig Sherman

2 thoughts on “Craig Sherman

  1. Hi- It’s Sarah Watkins from JDHS. Saw your website through a Facebook link from Sue Millstein. Sorry to read that you are not well and wishing you a speedy recovery. We are also in New York City. And I saw from your site that you are at CBS Sports. My husband is a sportswriter and wilm be speaking on his latest book at Barnes & Noble next week. Details here: Anyway, perhaps we can get coffee sometime this summer and catch up. Sarah


    • Hi Sarah – thanks for reaching out and for the well-wishes! Long time indeed. Would love to get together sometime for sure! I’ll email you my contact information. Let me know when is good!




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